Saturday, December 08, 2007

yup....i still believe in God

so rie and i went to see the golden compass. i really liked the movie and from everything rie said the books are even better, but i'm too slow of a reader to get it done before we went to see the show.

the crazy thing is, for all the negative press about the books/movie when i left the theatre i didn't really have a strong urge to worship satan. hmph.

all i can say for people who are protesting the content (and it is your God given right to do so) please read the books before commenting, or if that seems too dangerous, at least research what you are protesting. alot of people are making fools of themselves for attacking quotes and concepts that have already been misinterrpreted thru the grapevine.

merry christmas ( not sure if that's politically correct to say but i'm saying it anyway!)

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