are you just being a good friend?
do i stir in you an emotion that you feel has rusted?
is there a reason you don't fully know, but it brings you here anyway from time to time?
i'll try to explain why i write (when i do) on this site.
there's an ember that has been glowing in my soul for many, many years. it begs me to write, it pleads with me to create. but that remnant of a mightier flame is buried deep beneath doubt, laze and an extensive training from this world that has me believing that the world has enough creators in it.
it's the thought that it doesn't matter if i write another word because there are plenty of other creators out there that will fill in my space with noone ever noticing the difference, like taking a scoop of sand off of the beach when the tide rolls in, by the time the water bends back to the sea, the eager grains of sand have filled in and there's no scar in the sand.
it's that thought and the countless others like it that i battle continually. but what i've come to accept in my heart is that these words come from a place that is distant. in fact, the only way to hear those words is to allow myself to fall down into the cracks and caves at the bottom of all things but when i fight to stay up on the surface, the noises drift away on the winds that blow elsewhere.

for me writing is still very hard, it's a struggle no matter how much i enjoy it. much like with my health, i don't want to be fat, lazy or out of shape, but it's such effort to eat right and exercise. we're conditioned to do whatever feels right and to stay away from governing ourselves. so i enjoy writing, and it's getting easier to do. believe me when i tell you that it becomes a lot easier to write, make music, art or whatever your creation might be, once you realize that no one else has your voice. you are the only one destined to create what will come from your heart. there might be millions of other musicians out there, but no one has written your songs. there are countless authors in the world, but none of them, none of them has ever written your words. that's your job and it's one that you were created for.
remember that we are made in God's image. God the creator.
so let the words that are created by you, grow and flourish under the sun that God birthed. and may you remember that you are the only one who can create the art that you make.
I am here because no one else has your voice.
i come here because.......wait, where am i? i'm not supposed to be here.
You've put words to what I feel. Beautiful, beautiful Chris.
"do i stir in you an emotion that you feel has rusted?"
With this, yes, yes you have.
Do you know how much I love you and Marie? You two are amazing. I am feeling so blessed by my friends today. God has brought some wonderful folks into my life.
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