actually, my uncle was just telling me that his wife asked him what songs he wanted played at his funeral and he said that unless they are putting a stereo in the box with him he didn't much care!
i more and more am thinking about being cremated. it grows in my mind every day. reently i heard a man on the radio say that he and his wife had decided to both be cremated and once they both had gone, they wanted their ashes mixed in the same urn. i thought that was very romantic. i can't seem to get rie on board with that one but hey you can't win them all!
the "ashes to ashes" phrase has been in my head since i found out my aunt was to be cremated. actually, the thought crossed my mind after my grandpa was cremated last year, but it's really been churning the wheels the last couple of weeks. what a beautiful thought, from ashes to ashes, dust to dust, from the earth you came and to the earth you shall return. and not just in a morbid sense of thinking, those phrases are making me think more and more about how i live my life. almost as if that phrase is constantly hanging in front of my face, guiding the way i spend my days, my nights, my life. i hope i can devote some serious time to meditating more about the meaning of where we came from.

as for the details of my funeral one thing that has remained a constant is that i would like bob marley's "three little birds" played and i DEFINITELY want it to be a layed back service/party/thingy. i don't want people in suits and ties unless that's how they are truley comfortable that way. i live my life in shorts and t-shirts, jeans and hoodies, and that's how i would want to end my life. not in a stuffy suit, in a somber mood. i plan on sharing more of the details of my funeral as i figure them out and i hope that you all will share any and all specialties that you want at your funeral.
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We're a donate your working organs and have the rest cremated family over here...
It's a difficult topic, but it's so very very good to talk about it, write it down, get it out there when things are relatively CALM in the family circles.
i once heard a comdedian say that when he died he was going to donate his body to science fiction. sounds like a good idea to me!
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